So they stole 40 anti-tank rocket launchers and offensive grenades from the Portuguese army's weapons depots in Tancos ????
Try to go to the Mosque Mosque in Lisbon, in the Plaza of Spain .........
Open your eyes Security information system / SIED / Police judiciary, go to sleep a lot.
There are dozens of places of Islamic worship throughout Portugal.
Try to look there for the stolen weapons of the Portuguese Army.
These people are not reliable, see the shit they have done in Europe in recent years .......
Expel this Muslim scum from Europe, it's too late yesterday !!!!!!!!
Ramiro Lopes Andrade
Forty-four grenade launchers and four "ready to detonate" explosive devices were stolen from the military facilities of the Tancos National depots on Wednesday, the DN learned from a police source investigating the case.
This is the first time an incident of this size has occurred in military installations.
In addition to this material, 120 grenades and 1500 ammunition of 9mm caliber (only authorized for military and security forces) and 20 grenades of tear gas were also stolen.
Madrassas of Sunni Islamic cult spread throughout Portugal, from north to south, we are being discreetly invaded by this Muslim scoundrel. I disclose the addresses of the places that these degenerates call MESQUITAS .......... Open your eyes Portuguese, otherwise it will happen the same as in England, we are FOREIGN OURSELVES IN OUR OWN COUNTRY
The 20 Deadly Commandments of the PEDOPHILE PIG ("Satanic") Mohammed, the founder of Islam
1. You must rape, marry, and divorce pre-pubertal girls. Qur'an 65: 4, 4: 3
2. You must have sexual relations with sex slaves and slaves. Qur'an 4: 3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58: 3, 70:30
3. You must beat the sex slaves, the slave laborers, and the wives. Quran 04:34
4. You must have four male Muslim witnesses to prove a rape. Qur'an 24:13
5. You must kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed.Moran 33:57
6. You must crucify and amputate non-Muslims. Qur'an 8:12, 47: 4
7. You must kill non-Muslims to ensure they receive the 72 virgins in the sky. Quran 9: 111
8. You must kill whoever leaves Islam. Quran 2: 217, 4:89
9. You must behead non-Muslims. Qur'an 8:12, 47: 4
10. Thou shalt kill and die for Allah. Quran 9: 5
11. You must terrorize non-Muslims. Qur'an 8:12, 8:60
12. You must steal and steal non-Muslims. Qur'an Chapter 8 (Serve / War Spoils)
13. You must lie to strengthen Islam. Quran 3:28, 16: 106
14. You must fight against non-Muslims, even if you do not want to. Quran 2: 216
15. You should NOT take non-Muslims as friends. Qur'an 5:51
16. You should call the non-Muslims of pigs and monkeys. Qur'an 5:60, 7: 166, 16: 106
17. You should treat non-Muslims as the most vile creatures, who deserve no mercy. Quran 98: 6
18. Thou shalt treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Quran 4: 101
19. You must kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam.
20. You must extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Qur'an 9:29