Pat Condell - A Word to Islamic Migrants
Feminists: The Denominations of Islam - Pat Condell
Farewell Sweden (Goodbye Sueden)
Sweden ... a country raped by women and children, by Muslims.
In Portugal: Eritrean "refugee" raped a 67-year-old homeless woman
Posted 12/03/2016
At dawn on 1 December 2016, a 38-year-old Eritrean refugee approached the 67-year-old victim, who was sheltered from the cold at the entrance of a bank branch in downtown Albufeira.
According to the PJ, "through the use of physical force, he partially undressed her and, in the face of the victim's resistance, he assaulted her, causing maxillofacial and nasal fractures." The victim was rescued by the Firemen of Albufeira and INEM and hospitalized in the hospital of Faro.
Minutes after the crime, the attacker was intercepted by a young man of 21 years, who managed to immobilize him until the arrival of the police.
The police has carried out actions that confirm the aggression and the violation.
The man was placed in custody by order of a judge.
A direita conservadora europeia renega as suas origens. As suas ideias
pagarão por isso
Movida pelo ódio visceral ao politicamente correcto, às políticas
identitárias, à diversidade e ao feminismo militante e toda a tralha
progressista, e inca...
Há 7 horas
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