domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2018

Ernst Götsch-Sintrópica Agriculture/environmental revolution without pesticides, how to save our planet by positive example. People that can change our world, share peace among humans, and harmony with nature. Our planet has to be saved for us humans, the most destructive animal that exists.


Meet the trajectory of the 70-year-old Swiss who created the sintrópica agriculture, formed thousands of farmers with the technique and turned 5 acres in Bahia with your innovative method.

A bluevision de Ernst Götsch

Agricultura Sintropica com Ernst Gotsch em Foz do Iguacu.

In the course of the waters: Agroflorestas 

Agroflorestar: Seeding a world of love, harmony and wealth

Complete Agroforestry practice class with the Master Ernest

Da horta à floresta - From garden to forest

Life in Syntropy


Meet the place where Ernst Götsch performs his experiments with successional agroforestry systems for almost 40 years. Starting from a degraded pasture, without fertilizers or pesticides, which is the effect of agriculture sintrópica in the landscape? See this video!

#agriculturasintropica #ernstgotsch #fazendaolhosdagua #protejaolhosdagua #lifeinsyntropy

O Livro da Natureza (The Book of Nature)

Learn about the history of the family Sousa, who found in nature the key to a fuller life.

Sintrópica for agriculture - Ernst Götsch | Agenda Gotsch

Large-scale agroforestry, Fazenda da Toca

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